Infertility Test in Delhi | Best Fertility Centre in Delhi

If a couple has been trying to have a baby for over a year without success, it’s a good idea to consider infertility testing. If the woman is 35 or older, this timeframe is shortened to about six months. Both partners, male and female, need to undergo these tests.

Preliminary Stages Before the Tests

Before undergoing an infertility test in Delhi, both partners must visit the doctor together. Approximately 40% of infertility cases have multiple causes or unexplained reasons. In the remaining cases, one partner may have an identifiable issue. The doctor will inquire about:

  • Medical history, including past surgeries or long-term conditions such as diabetes.
  • List of medications being taken.
  • Use of substances like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc.
  • History of birth control usage.
  • Frequency of sexual intercourse.
  • Any mental or physical challenges related to intercourse.
  • Presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • History of previous miscarriages or abortions.
  • Lifestyle and stress factors.

Infertility Tests For Men

Tests for male infertility focus on assessing the health and functionality of the testicles, which play a key role in producing healthy sperm. These tests aim to identify and address any issues that may interfere with the various steps involved in the reproductive process.

Here are some common infertility tests for men:

  • Semen Analysis: This involves providing one or more semen samples, typically obtained through masturbation or interrupting intercourse to collect ejaculate in a clean container. The lab examines the semen to assess sperm quality. In some cases, urine may also be tested to detect the presence of sperm.
  • Hormone Testing: A blood test is conducted to measure testosterone and other male hormones, helping to identify hormonal imbalances that may affect fertility.
  • Genetic Testing: This test explores whether a genetic defect could be a contributing factor to infertility.
  • Testicular Biopsy: Though uncommon, this procedure involves removing a small amount of testicle tissue for microscopic examination. It may be done to investigate blockages in the reproductive tract or to collect sperm for assisted reproductive techniques like in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • Imaging: Some cases may require imaging tests to visualize the internal structures. Ultrasound, for instance, can identify issues in the scrotum, glands producing seminal fluids, or the tube carrying sperm from the testicles. Brain MRI may be recommended to check for non-cancerous tumors in the pituitary gland, which can impact hormone levels affecting sperm production.
  • Other Testing: Occasionally, additional tests may be conducted to assess sperm quality at a molecular level, such as checking for DNA damage in a semen sample.

Infertility Tests for Women

Women’s fertility depends on the ovaries releasing healthy eggs, which must then travel through the reproductive tract, join with sperm, and eventually attach to the uterus lining. Tests for female infertility aim to identify any issues in these crucial steps.

Here are some tests for women:

  • Ovulation Testing: A blood test checks hormone levels to determine if ovulation is occurring.
  • Thyroid Function Test: This blood test assesses thyroid gland function, which may be linked to fertility issues if the gland produces too much or too little thyroid hormone.
  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG): This test examines the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes, searching for blockages or other problems. A special dye is injected into the uterus, and an X-ray is taken.
  • Ovarian Reserve Testing: This helps determine the number of eggs available for ovulation and often involves hormone testing early in the menstrual cycle.
  • Other Hormone Tests: These check levels of hormones controlling ovulation and pituitary hormones involved in the fertility process.
  • Imaging Tests: A pelvic ultrasound looks for issues in the uterus or ovaries. A saline infusion sonogram may be used for more detailed views inside the uterus.

In rare cases, additional tests may include:

  • Hysteroscopy: A procedure using a thin, lighted device inserted through the cervix to examine the uterus for irregularities and guide minor surgery.
  • Laparoscopy: This involves a small incision below the navel, where a thin device is inserted to examine the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus. It can identify conditions like endometriosis, scarring, or blockages, and also treat certain issues through surgery, such as removing fibroids or endometriosis tissue.

It’s important to note that not everyone needs all these tests. You and your healthcare team will decide which tests are necessary based on your specific situation.

FAQs (Infertility Test in Delhi)

Q: What is infertility, and when should we consider testing for it?
A: Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse. Consider testing if you’re under 35 and trying for a year or over 35 and trying for six months.

Q: What is infertility, and when should we consider testing for it?
A: Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse. Consider testing if you’re under 35 and trying for a year or over 35 and trying for six months.

Q: What are some common causes of infertility in men and women?
A: Causes include hormonal imbalances, structural issues, ovulation problems, sperm abnormalities, and age-related factors.

Q: Can lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise impact fertility, and should they be considered before testing?
A:Yes, lifestyle factors can influence fertility. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful substances may positively impact fertility.

Q: What imaging tests are used in infertility testing, and how do they help in diagnosis?
A: Imaging tests like pelvic ultrasound and Hysterosalpingography help identify issues in the reproductive organs.

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