Donor Egg in Delhi

Donor Egg IVF

At Ayushman Infertility Centre, we recognize that using your own eggs may not be feasible for everyone. That’s why we offer Donor Egg IVF in Dwarka, Delhi as an option to help you build your family. Donor Egg IVF utilizes eggs donated by a healthy woman, making it ideal for individuals facing challenges with their own eggs.

Donor Egg IVF Process

Consultation and Consent

You and your partner will meet with a fertility specialist to discuss your situation, understand donor egg IVF, and explore its suitability. Informed consent will be obtained after addressing all your questions and concerns.

Donor Insurance

Insurance coverage for the egg donor for a year is typically recommended for any unforeseen medical situations.


Legal Affidavit

A legal affidavit will be established outlining the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.


Egg Donor Selection

A thorough screening process ensures you find a compatible donor. This may involve factors like medical history, genetic testing, physical characteristics, and education (depending on your preferences and the clinic’s guidelines).

Egg Donor Stimulation

The egg donor undergoes controlled ovarian stimulation with medications to produce multiple mature eggs, increasing the number of viable embryos for potential transfer.

Oocyte Retrieval of Egg Donor

A minor surgical procedure is performed to collect mature eggs from the donor’s ovaries.


Endometrial Preparation

Your uterine lining will be prepared using hormonal medications to create a receptive environment for embryo implantation.


Sperm Collection

Your partner will provide a sperm sample on the day of egg retrieval.


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Embryo Development

The sperm fertilizes the donor eggs in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryos are monitored for healthy development over several days.

Embryo Transfer

One or more healthy embryos are carefully placed into your uterus, aiming for implantation and pregnancy.

Pregnancy Test

A blood test is conducted after a designated waiting period to confirm pregnancy.

Who can benefit from Donor Egg IVF?

benefit from Donor Egg IVF

Low Egg Reserve

If your ovaries don’t produce many eggs, donor IVF offers a chance to use healthy donor eggs for a higher chance of success.

Poor Egg Quality

Even if you have eggs, their quality might be low, hindering fertilization. Donor IVF provides a solution by using eggs with a greater potential for successful development.

No Ovulation

If you don’t ovulate (release eggs) due to underlying conditions, donor IVF bypasses this hurdle altogether.

Advanced Maternal Age

After 35, and especially after 40, egg number and quality decrease. Donor eggs can significantly increase the success rate of IVF in such cases.


Natural pregnancy isn’t possible after menopause. Donor IVF offers a path to motherhood by using healthy donor eggs.

History of Failed IVF Cycles

If past IVF attempts using your own eggs haven’t worked due to egg quality issues, donor IVF offers a higher chance of success with healthy donor eggs.

Egg Donor Qualifications

Egg Donor Qualifications


    The age range is typically 23 to 35 old to ensure the best egg quality.


    Free from chronic illnesses or transmissible infections to ensure egg health.

Pregnancy History

    Ideally, the donor should have had a successful pregnancy and be ever-married with at least one child who is at least three years old.

Known Donor Option

    The donor can be someone known to the recipient

One-Time Donation

    Each donor can only donate eggs once in their lifetime.

Why Choose Us?

Ayushman Infertility Centre is your premier destination for IVF donor programs, and here’s why: expertise, diversity, and compassion. Our seasoned team of fertility specialists ensures personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. Rigorous donor screening guarantees safety and access to a diverse pool of donors. With a commitment to ethical practices and unwavering support, we’ve achieved remarkable success rates. At Ayushman, we’re not just building families; we’re realizing dreams. Take the first step towards parenthood with us today.

Schedule your consultation and let us guide you on your journey to creating the family you’ve always desired.

We will contact you within one business day.


Is the IVF Donor Programme legal and regulated in Delhi?

Yes, the IVF Donor Programme is legal and regulated in Delhi. However, it’s essential to choose a reputable clinic that follows all legal guidelines and ethical standards regarding donor selection, consent, and confidentiality.

What are the success rates of the IVF Donor Programme in Delhi?

Success rates can vary depending on various factors, including the age and health of the recipient, the quality of the donor gametes, and the expertise of the medical team. It’s essential to discuss success rates with your fertility specialist and understand how they apply to your specific situation.

What are the costs involved in the IVF Donor Programme?

 The costs can vary depending on the clinic, the type of donor programme chosen, and any additional services required. It typically includes expenses related to donor screening, IVF procedures, medications, and follow-up care. It’s essential to inquire about the full cost breakdown and any potential financial assistance or insurance coverage options available.

How can I find an IVF Donor Programme near me in Delhi?

You can search online for fertility clinics or IVF centers in Delhi that offer donor programmes. Additionally, you can ask your healthcare provider for recommendations or search for patient reviews to find a reputable clinic near you.